Now that seems pretty weird to me, but I guess I can't make fun of her too much when I myself enjoy a good meat stick now and then. Seriously - I often find these jars in my Christmas stockings.
So if the wife enjoys rice cereal, and I enjoy meat sticks... how bad can yellow squash be?
Really bad.
It's like eating thick yellow water. It barely tastes like anything, but what little something there is, is no good. I guess this kid doesn't know any better. No wonder they don't let us feed him chocolate or BBQ for a while, he'd never eat vegetables again.
Also, in the time it took me to write this post, baby pulled the power cord out of my wife's laptop and put it in his mouth again. He's screaming and he stinks. Is it possible that electric stimulation might trigger defecation? Perhaps a scientific study is in my future.
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