Friday, April 13, 2012


Baby has been sick the last week or so. His nose is always running and he's got a crazy cough.

Today he was falling asleep in his high chair after lunch, so I gave him a bottle and set him on the couch so he could fall asleep. He came close, but never fell asleep. Upon finishing his bottle of milk, he came over to me, wanting to play. I gave in. We went to the bedroom and wrestled on the bed. It was epic horseplay. One second he was buried in blankets and the next he was suspended over the edge of the bed by his ankles. It was awesome.

So once we're done, he promptly pukes all over the hallway floor. Being a wise father, and knowing that these things come in twos or threes, I promptly placed him in the (empty) bathtub as I ran for paper towels and disinfectant. By the time I had returned he had puked all over the toilet, floor, bathtub, and all his bath time toys. So I stripped him naked and washed his clothes in the sink. Then I cleaned the floor and toilet and took him out of the bath so I could clean the tub and his toys. While I'm working on the bathtub, naked baby proceeds to pee all over me, the toilet, and the floor.

Some days you just can't win.

1 comment:

  1. yeah. Sorry. Been there before. You do realize that drinking a bottle of milk and then wrestling right afterwards is probably not a good idea, right? Sorry he's been sick. Hope it ends soon (or is already over).
