Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Future Careers

Baby is obsessed with stealing my laptop power cord and trying to stick it in his mouth. I've decided that he'll either grow up to be a computer programmer, or a convicted felon executed in the electric chair. Or maybe both?


  1. At least he can't really crawl yet (although that could change any day now). I'm assuming that he will eventually develop a tolerance to the low voltage laptop power supply. Once he can crawl, he may start looking for stronger current to satisfy his addiction. I would recommend some outlet plugs/covers very soon!

  2. Good point. I have had that same problem with cheese. I've built up a tolerance to extra sharp cheddar and I can't find anything more powerful to satisfy my cravings.

  3. Me too! But I didn't realize that was my problem until now! I love extra sharp cheddar! I actually have a hard time finding extra sharp. Just plain sharp is often the best I can do, and that definitely leaves something to be desired. And obviously it's the "extra" that's desired. Hmmmm, quesadillas sound really good right now.
