Forgive me Blogger, for I have sinned. It's been nine days since my last confession.
I often take baby outside, and when I do, I don't always bundle him up.
A few months ago there was a freak hail storm in the town where we live. Baby and I happened to be walking to the grocery store when the storm started. I had him strapped to my chest in the baby carrier, and we didn't have an umbrella or anything to keep him dry. As we walked, at least three people in cars stopped to ask us if we needed a ride - but I politely declined. By the time we got to the store, baby had a helmet of hail - but the awesome thing is that he didn't seem to mind. As we walked around town, he kept curiously looking up at the sky, as if he were wondering why small icy parts of it were falling on his head. The thunder and lightning didn't even bother him.
I was reminded of that little adventure as we attended wife's brother's wedding yesterday. At one point baby and I became restless cooped up in the little waiting room, so it was decided between us that we'd go outside and wait. It wasn't that cold (maybe 39 degrees) and the sun was peeking through every so often. Now don't get me wrong - the kid wasn't naked. He was wearing a onesie, pants, two shirts, socks, AND I had him wrapped in a blanket. He wasn't acting cold at all - he was enjoying the outdoors. So we're sitting on a bench minding our own business when this old lady walks up to us and tells me to "put a hat on him." I ignore her, as I do to most old crazy women, but she didn't give up. She repeated her advice/reprimand a few more times until she figured out that I was going to pay her no heed. I counted my stubborn unwillingness to listen to my elders as a small victory.
A victory immediately negated when wife came outside and immediately put a hat on baby.
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