Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sometimes when I'm on blogger I like to click the "next blog" link at the top of the page to see where it will take me. Today went like this:

1. Family blog with kids named "Macade" and "Braxton." Try and tell me they aren't Mormon.
2. Asian teenage girl with a lot of angst.
3. Born-again Christian website.
4. Family blog with "4EverFamily" in the title. More Mormons.
5. Family blog of a young family that recently relocated from Rexburg, ID to Des Moines, IA so that the husband can attend podiatry school. Additional Mormons.

So based on that scientific survey, 3/5s of the blogs on blogger are Mormon family blogs. Correct conclusion?


  1. I think you're pretty close to accurate. I heard stats in an interview of Bloggers on The Mormon Channel. The whole interview itself may be a little overwhelming (think 6 women talking at once...) but the stats were interesting. There are about 180 million blogs, 85% of blogs are written by women, 50% by Mormon women. That's a HUGE presence, very disproportionate to the normal population.

    The comments on this post as to why Mormons blog so much may also be interesting:

    And, of course, I'm sure you read the article on Mormon Mommy Bloggers? The comments are mean obv.

  2. I haven't seen any statistics on the issue, but maybe blogger looks at the content on your website and directs you to blogs with similar content. I guess you don't mention being Mormon a whole lot, but maybe your comments have a certain Mormon character to them...

  3. Mormon? Who's Mormon? I hate Mormons... :)
